Manhasset Middle School

Manhasset Middle School consists of 7th and 8th grades.

A student must meet the criteria of one of the thirteen classifications defined by law in order to be classified as a special education student. The process of classification and placement is determined by the Committee on Special Education (CSE). (Note: For more information regarding this process, please refer to the IEP Information and Legislation sections of our website.)

There is a range of settings or placement options for classified students at the Middle School. First, there are special class programs (ID classes) where the classes are provided, on a daily basis, to students with disabilities who require a small and structured setting to meet their instructional needs in specific content areas.

Second, the Middle School has integrated co-teaching services to provide academic instruction to a group of students with and without disabilities on a daily basis for language arts, math, science and social studies.  In the six day cycle, a special education teacher is present every day to co-teach with the general education teacher. On alternate days, the special education teacher also teaches a support class. The purpose of the support period is to pre-teach and re-teach, breakdown assignments and projects into steps appropriate for the student and to develop study guides.

In addition to the special class programs and integrated co-teaching services, the Middle School also has resource room programs and learning laboratory based on an individual student’s needs.

Related Services can be administered through pull out and push in services. The therapists try to schedule these services during a student’s lunch, study hall, or support class period. For counseling services, a student receives a pass in homeroom for each and every weekly session. For speech, a student can be given a single pass to be used every week for an entire school year.

Contact Information

Director of Secondary Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services:
Stewart Grabelsky–267-7672

School Psychologist (Grades 7-9):
Dr. Holly Tricarico–267-7514

School Psychologist (Educational Evaluations for Grades K-12 Students + St. Mary’s & Our Lady of Grace Students):

Ms. Stephanie San Antonio

School Social Worker:
Ms. Robyn Hoffmann — 267-7509