Munsey Park School

Munsey Park Elementary School is one of the two elementary schools in the Manhasset School District. Munsey Park includes Kindergarten through 6th grade.

A student must meet the criteria of one of the thirteen classifications defined by law in order to be classified as a special education student. The process of classification and placement is determined by the Committee on Special Education (CSE). (Note: For more information regarding this process, please refer to the IEP Information and Legislation sections of our website.)

There is a range of settings or placement options for classified students at Munsey Park. The options range from integrated co-teaching classes to a mainstream placement with various levels of support. Support can include direct or indirect teacher consultant services or special class (small group) pull-outs for language arts and math. The placement and support are based on the individual needs of the student as specified in their Individual Education Plan (“IEP”).

Munsey Park has integrated co-teaching classes for those students who qualify based on their IEPs. Not more than one-third of each class consists of special education students. The primary instruction in these classes is taught by a general education teacher and a special education teacher.

Related Services:
Speech therapists are on staff. Occupational therapists and physical therapists are hired each year as consultants for the district. Therapies are conducted as pull-out sessions or push-ins to the classroom during the school day. Depending upon a student’s IEP, the therapy can be individual (1:1) or group (3:1 or 5:1 ratios).

Counseling and social groups are run by either the social worker or the guidance counselor.

Contact Information
Director of CPSE, Elementary Special Education, and Pupil Personnel Services:
Dr. Agnieszka Dynda–267-7679

School Psychologists:
Kim Marie Jappell (CPSE, K-2)   267-7426

Ms. Sarah Sammis (3-6)   267-7425

Amanda Gimondo   267-7448

School Social Worker:
Lori Pietrafesa   267-7448